
To foster integral development we will:

  • Enable every person to be emotionally balanced, intellectually alert, morally sound, spiritually oriented, socially committed and culturally enriched.
  • Promote faith formation to achieve personal relationship with God and integrate faith with life.
  • Promote inter-religious relationship by appreciating religo-cultural pluralism so as to realize that differences are sources for our collective strength rather than dangers and threats.
  • Enhance the human dignity by educating the poorest sections of society viz: marginalized, unprivileged and girl children.
  • Foster love for nature through appreciation, conservation and development of natural resources to counteract adverse effects of globalization.
  • Foster patriotism by creating civic consciousness in order to be responsible citizens of our nation.

Transmit Ursuline Franciscan identity through simplicity of life, sincerity, dignity of services that enhance labor and sharing in solidarity